

Modern E-Learning Solutions

Logicdriven Services

E-Learning solutions tailored to your specific needs

Production Support

Put the coders behind Logicdriven's suite of products to work for you. Our software developers have extensive experience in the e-learning industry and have worked with most of the technologies in demand today, including mobile, client-side and server-side web environments including Javascript, Flash Actionscript, PHP, and ASP.Net; as well as rich-client development systems including C#, Visual Basic.Net, and "classic" (COM-based) Visual Basic.

Content Creation

We don't just create the tools needed to make great content; we know how to use them, too. Our streamlined production processes help to ensure that we deliver quality content at a competitive rate.

Courseware Conversion

Is it time to update your courseware to support modern learning environments? Our data-driven approach to content development gives us unique insights into converting and updating courseware created with legacy tools. We can ensure your materials are ready for the e-learning worlds of both today and tomorrow.

Mobile Development

It's a connected world, and mobile devices are a big part of it. We can guide you through the unique issues in mobile development and get your work out to the widest possible audience.

Simulation Development

Use Impression with external simulations or have us create them for you.  We'll define the simulation interface and control architecture and produce the management code.  We can also create the simulation data model, processing logic, and visuals.  We can develop authoring tools that will plug in directly to Impression, minimizing content creator workload and speeding the production process.

As always, you'll receive the complete source code, production framework, and documentation.

Analysis and Proposals

The courseware business is a competitive one, and Logicdriven can help to give you the edge you need to succeed. From proposal development, cost, and schedule estimation, to needs analysis and solution design, we're here to help you win.


We understand SCORM; in fact, we've been interfacing courseware with SCORM-conformant Learning Management Systems for over a decade. Do you need to get a better understanding of SCORM? Advice on how to take advantage of SCORM capabilities to meet your project's requirements? Let us share our knowledge with you.

Staff Training

Training your staff is an investment in your business. At Logicdriven, we understand the importance of maximizing team performance. From how to get the most out of Impression to general software development, we’re happy to help bring your people up to speed in a formal or informal setting.

Courses include:

Impression for Content Developers

Overview of the Impression framework; content types; creating content with the CCT; production process best practices; administrative functions; using the ICMT.

Impression for Programmers

Overview of the Runtime Engine Base Class Framework; MyShell sample code walkthrough; deployment options; SCORM and other LMS interfacing; creating stepped animations.

Advanced Programming Topics

Developing interactive Flash objects; two-way content interaction schemes; custom CCT reports and tools; advanced architectures; synchronous content views; simulation interfacing and development.